Monday, October 24, 2011

Guidepost 3: The Moment Before - Major Points

Guidepost 3: The Moment Before - Major Points

Overview Some might refer to it as "given circumstance," but something always precedes whatever is happening in the scene - something Shurtleff calls the "moment before." By knowing this moment before, it gives the actor a certain energy and objective when performing the scene.

Major Points
  • Every scene begins in the middle.
  • It is up to the actor to create the moment before.
  • The actor has to come onstage with it, not wait to get going.
  • The more specific, the more focused the moment before, the better the scene will be.
  • The moment before requires an important emotional commitment. One has to seep oneself in it, drown in it, be overcome by it.
  • Underneath every human being’s rational cool exterior is passion.
  • The moment before must be strong, full, and meaty; it has to give the actor something to feed on for the entire scene.
Up Next Applications and homework for Guidepost 3!

1 comment:

  1. Every scene begins in the middle-- this is very helpful! Thanks!
